Monday, 19 August 2013

The Importance of the Comic Book Medium

   Movie budgets are expensive and huge.  The amount of money, time, and effort that goes into a cinematic release can be very taxing.   Even if a movie is successful , there can only be so many sequels and remakes to go around.

   TV series budgets aren't lean either.  Although some shows can match the power of movies in terms of longevity, many demands must be met to maintain the success of a televised program.  Actors may want more money, cast and crews get tired and age during the progression of the show, some workers get fired, etc.    If  a TV show has run from 5 to 10 seasons, it's a champion in comparison to other ill fated televised series.

   Look at how many shows are cut today, and how quickly a show can be dropped from a network.  The same process of letting series go takes place in the comic book medium.  Still, there is a lot of leeway in costs for comic book production in comparison to movies, and a greater chance at the continuation of a series.  We've learned from the big and traditional companies that a comic series can go on for years, nearly a century.  Characters don't have to age within the story lines, but some do. Some comic book characters can live forever, die and even and still be reborn.  The cost for producing an issue is no where near a segment of a TV series, much less a few minutes on film.

   So to summarize, a creator in the comic book medium will find it less expensive to produce a comic book series that a movie or television series.  Characters and their story lines have a better shot at immortality.  Comic book are also more flexible for creative possibilities with less of an expense, since access to a comic book and its cost are still less than a trip to the movies.

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